About Me.

Hey der my bookish friends! (Insert Katniss's three finger symbol of rebellion, that although isn't, should be an emoji).
So, I guess it would be wise to start with my name, right? Right. Amelia Carter, at you're service - imagine I'm bowing to you, it makes the whole thing a lot more dramatic.
And, I guess I'm supposed to bombard you with my life story aswell? Well, ain't nobody got time for that, so I'll just inform you of the bookish half of my life - I've been writing since I was an itty bitty child with glasses and incredibly curly hair. Don't believe me?

Yeah, I know, it was quite horrendous (cringe) but I promise you my appearance has improved, like wine with age - not that it much matters! But anyway, moving on...
I wrote my first book 'Undercover-Hamster Style' in memory of my well loved hamster, Woody - who was my awesome hamster spy best friend...I was a lonely kid okay...I edited the book, polished it up and published it when I was fourteen.
But before then, at thirteen I began writing another book that was a YA dark romance/ fantasy and published that one a year later at 15 (Verboten, go check it out!).
It is my dream to become a best selling author and I will do anything to reach it.
But before my claim to fame, I've decided to write a blog following what I'm reading and and all that jazz.

So enjoy my blog.

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